- Demonstration of advanced models of weaponry and military equipment;
- Presentation of military equipment prototypes of the last generation;
- Modern military geoinformation systems;
- Military systems for special operations of ground forces;
- Comprehensive counteracting systems against precision weapons;
- Unmanned aircrafts;
- Dual use equipment and technologies;
- Sectors of Exhibition:
- Armored vehicles;
- Missile, artillery and small-arms weapons;
- Shot-range and mid-range air defense systems;
- High-technology equipment and systems;
- Ordnance and special chemical substances, launch-site measuring instrumentation and equipment;
- Electro-optical equipment and systems;
- Equipment and means for chemical and biological protection;
- Technical means and support systems for troops;
- Information systems and information protection system;
- Transport vehicles: motor vehicles and tractor trucks;
- Aviation and rocket and space systems, aerospace technologies;
- Flight navigation instruments and automatic control systems;
- Dual use equipment and technologies;
- Road, constructive and load lifting means and equipment;
- Updating and repairing of weaponry and military equipment;
- Equipment and technologies for recycling of weaponry, military equipment and ordnance;
- Ensuring of security of the perimeter;
- Military higher education institutions and training centers;
- Rescue equipment for work under the emergency conditions, fire-fighting equipment and fire-extinguishing means;
- Military scientific research base;
- Military medicine;
- Equipment, uniform and special-purpose accessories;
- Personal armored kits.